Ikko Narahara and the era of VIVO | Torao Nimi (Ikko Narahara Archives) in conversation with Shu Sakurai (photographer) Moderated by Masako Sato (Photo exhibition planning and production) [JP]

Ryosokuin Temple (Kennin-ji Temple)

Join Shu Sakurai, who was in charge of print production in the darkroom at VIVO, a self-owned agency for photography established by Kazutaka Narahara in 1959 with Shomei Higashimatsu, Eikoh Hosoe, Kikuji Kawada, Akira Sato, Akira Tanno, and others, and Torao Nimi, president of the Ikko Narahara Archives, as they talk about their precious memories of their time with Ikko Narahara at VIVO and the appeal of silver halide print photography. Moderated by Masako Sato.

To enter this event, you will have to present your KYOTOGRAPHIE Passport or pay the Ryosokuin entry fee of ¥1000.

Ryosokuin Temple (Kennin-ji Temple)
  • 2022.4.9 13:00~14:30

Ryosokuin Temple (Kennin-ji Temple)

591, Komatsu-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Keihan Line "Gion shijo" station. 7 min on foot from Exit 3
Hankyu Line "Kyoto Kawaramachi" station. 10 min on foot from Exit 1

Shu Sakurai



2008年 『American West 西へ向かう』(日本写真企画)

1972年 一色一成、長岡宏、桜井秀「“MAMI”NUDE IN LAGOON」銀座 富士フォトサロン
1993年 「光のなかに」銀座 コダックフォトサロン
1994年 「西部への想い」銀座 富士フォトサロン
1995年 「日本の彩」新宿 コニカプラザ
1997年 「静かな町」銀座 富士フォトサロン
1997年 「天使の庭園」銀座 コダックフォトサロン
1999年 「天使の風景」銀座 キャノンサロン他
2000年 「天使の絵本」銀座 富士フォトサロン
2003年 「AN ANGEL WINGS」銀座 富士フォトサロン
2003年 「臨界」銀座 キャノンサロン他
2005年 「臨界の黙示」銀座 ニコンフォトサロン
2008年 「エナジー」六本木 富士フイルムフォトサロン
2011年 「ノスタルジックな道ール-ト66ー」品川 キャノンギャラリーS
2012年 「第8回藤本四八写真文化賞受賞作品展」飯田市美術博物館
2014年 「HOLLYWOOD」銀座 キャノンギャラリー他
2017年 「ノスタルジックな道一ルート66一」(キャノンフォトコレクション)
     品川 キャノンオープンギャラリー
2018年 「DRY EARTHー乾地ー」銀座 キャノンギャラリーほか多数
2021 作品展「臨界の黙示」麹町JCIIフォトサロン

Shu Sakurai

Torao Nimi

Torao Nimi was born in Shiga Prefecture in 1945.
He returned to Setagaya, where his parents grew up after the war and grew up in his mother's family home on a ranch.

Torao Nimi and Ikko Narahara

Ikko Narahara's Wife Keiko is the sister of Torao Niimi's mother (maiden name Nakagawa).

He first met at the Nakagawa family in 1956 on the occasion of a betrothal ceremony.
He was often accompanied on dates for meals until their marriage in 1958.
Around 1959, he became interested in photography and started working as a photographer for events at the school he attended.
He sometimes accompanied her on shoots as an assistant until she left for Europe in 1963.
The following year, when he took the college entrance exam, he decided to pursue a career in photography under the influence of his uncle.
In 1964, he entered the Tokyo College of Photography. His mother was commissioned by the Narahara to take care of remittances.
After returning to Japan in 1966, he assisted in his darkroom to make prints of "Still Time" and "Great Afternoons in Spain.
Between 1966-1967 he was the Editor of the Men's Club, Fujingaho, and was also in charge of photography.
In 1967 Narahara's assistant ( and friend) collapsed, and Torao suddenly became his assistant before becoming freelance in 1969.
After that, he worked in various jobs, and assisted Narahara at every exhibition.
In 2005 Narahara collapsed from a subarachnoid haemorrhage, after which he assisted Keiko Narahara.
In 2006 he stopped all previous work to concentrate on the work of Narahara.
He attended the 2009 Paris Photo in Prisca Pasquale, Cologne, Germany.
In 2013, he was officially appointed as the President of the Ikko Narahara Archives.
2019 was the year of the Ikko Narahara Festival, during which many exhibitions were planned.
2019 was the final celebration of Kazutaka Narahara's career.
During 2019-2020, he undertook a project to donate artworks by Ikko Narahara to 18 museums, art facilities, universities, etc. nationwide

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