Atsuko Satake
Atsuko Satake, CafCu Digital Media Producer and Cafeteria Ranger Program Director, is a documentary filmmaker, environmental advocate, and a 21st generation Samurai family member from northern Japan. living in New York City. She is the Director and Producer of Microplastic Madness, Cafeteria Culture's feature documentary, with additional credits as cinematographer and editor. Her documentary, "Its Everybody’s Ocean" won Best Documentary Short at NYC International Film Festival (2014) and has been screened in film festivals in ten cities around the world. “School Lunch in Japan - It’s not just about eating" (2010), her short documentary, has over 25 million views on YouTube! The movie conveys the importance of quality school mealtime and has inspired international audiences of students, educators, and school food leaders, as well as Cafcu’s own zero waste cafeteria programs.